We're not especially fond of the European Union (EU) in its current form...and certainly not crazy about it!

Actually, we think there's a lot about it that's more than a little barmy - ok, totally bonkers
so, yes, it's probably true to say the EU is fairly crazy-CRAZY....
the crazy-old EU - whatever next!

....but luckily that's nothing to do with us.....

We ARE, however, 'eucrasy' - with an "s" not a "z"

...an unusual word. You might at first think it has something to do with the EU,
or is a strange way of writing 'you crazy?'... but it doesn't and it isn't!

It's a very special word, with an important meaning, and should always sound beautiful.

Eucrasy is from Greek and has three syllables 'eu+ cra +sy'
...so you should take your time to say "you-kra-sea" with a slight emphasis
on the "a" in "krA" then a long, gentle, soothing "sea" at the end say 'sea', slowly and gently at the end of the word 'eucrasy'

If you've come to the wrong place,
please go to the right place î

Please visit our website eucrasy.com
for more information :-) eucrasy.com for healthy minds and bodies....

Any comments or suggestions? We'd be happy to hear from you!
Please contact us via;
'Eucrasy' (with an "s") has NOTHING to do with being crazy, let alown to do with the daft-old European Union (EU) . . . ...it's all about the balance of healthy, happy minds & bodies.....